Time flies with time-lapse photography

Video:Sunset over the Fannefjord, Molde, Norway

5d mk2 timelapse

My 5D mk2 at work

After installing the Magic Lantern firmware on my Canon 5D mk2, time-lapse photography has now become much easier, thanks to the built-in intervalometer that comes with M.L.

Since I no longer depend on using my laptop or phone together with my camera in order to make the camera take pictures at an automated interval, I can now just go out with my camera and my tripod and shoot time-lapses 🙂

What do you guys think ?

90 minute timer for soccer


Just found a good way of making a 90 minute time overlay for a soccer game.

After nearly an hour of googling, I found an After Effects expression I could use to make a text layer that counts up to ninety minutes in min:sec format.

Download the After Effects Project here , open it and export the pre-made counter to a Quicktime Animation video with alpha channel (millions of colors+).

Import the movie to your desired software (in my case Telestream Wirecast)

The counter looks like this, but you can change the fonts as you like :

Soccer timer 90 minutes clock stopwatch tutorial project afterfx aftereffects

Enjoy 🙂

(keywords : how to make 90 minute counter clock for soccer,football,sports,timer,tutorial,match,game)

GoPro Hero timelapse


This time-lapse was shot on a GoPro Hero camera. Somehow I think the image is quite blurry at some points, I can’t really point out where the focus point is, although the camera is set to center weighted average.. (I’ve cropped away the edges, because the wide-angle lens captured the surrounding windowstills.