Timelapse – December Sunrise

Shot a timelapse of the sunrise yesterday.


Camera : Canon 5D mk2

Lens : Canon 50mm 1.4


Shutter : 1/100

Aperture : f8

ISO: 400

I used the Magic Lantern firmware with a timelapse interval of 1 picture every 5 seconds.

The video consists of 425 images. Thats a video of approximatly 17 seconds (425/25 frames per second)

I adjusted the images in Photoshops RAW converter, and imported the sequence into After Effects for rendering into a video (h264, 1920x1080p, 120 mbps)

Since I did not have a tripod with me, I used the dashboard of my car. The running engine made the footage a little shaky, but I fixed that using motion tracking and stabilization in After Effects.


Enjoy =)


90 minute timer for soccer


Just found a good way of making a 90 minute time overlay for a soccer game.

After nearly an hour of googling, I found an After Effects expression I could use to make a text layer that counts up to ninety minutes in min:sec format.

Download the After Effects Project here , open it and export the pre-made counter to a Quicktime Animation video with alpha channel (millions of colors+).

Import the movie to your desired software (in my case Telestream Wirecast)

The counter looks like this, but you can change the fonts as you like :

Soccer timer 90 minutes clock stopwatch tutorial project afterfx aftereffects

Enjoy 🙂

(keywords : how to make 90 minute counter clock for soccer,football,sports,timer,tutorial,match,game)