Sometimes, bad stuff happens for a reason :-)

Video above: Timelapse i took when my car was stuck

So, the other night I was Aurora Hunting close to my home, and I had to drive down this steep hill to get to my location.
I figured it was okay to take the risk, since there was ice to be seen on the road.

After almost driving down the entire hill, i turned the corner and guess what, solid ice covered the road..
My car started slipping slowly on top of the ice, and i had no way of turning around.
So I said to myself – Okay, lets just drive down there, do the shoot, and deal with eventual problems getting back up the hill afterwards.
I made it down the hill, did my shoot,ended up with boring aurora shots, saw that it was getting late and decided that I had to go back home.

I packed up my stuff, got in the car and started driving. And got stuck, really bad.

After spinning my wheels for a bit, I got out of the car and called my girlfriend to tell her I was going to be late.
As I hung up, I noticed the sky had exploded into a green aurora storm.

I grabbed my camera, and walked back down to the spot i was earlier on the evening.

I put my camera in time-lapse mode, and went on figuring out how to get my car back up the hill.

Since i was lucky, I found a shovel in a nearby building and borrowed it so that I could throw sand from a nearby river onto the icy road.

It took me nearly two hours of digging and trying, but I did eventually get the car loose and drove up the hill.

Now I just had to walk back down the steep hill to get my camera, which had recorded a beautiful time-lapse as I was working.

I guess sometimes stuff happens for a reason 🙂

Here are also some pictures i took 🙂

Aurora Borealis over Molde, Norway, 30.01.2015

Aurora Borealis over Molde, Norway, 30.01.2015

Aurora Borealis over Molde, Norway, 30.01.2015

Aurora Borealis over Molde, Norway, 30.01.2015

Amazing Aurora show last night =)

Took my first Aurora Borealis pictures this season, and the show was amazing =)


The Northern Lights at the Atlantic Road


The Northern Lights at the Atlantic Road


The Northern Lights at the Atlantic Road


The Northern Lights at the Atlantic Road